SUP Favorite Songs Jam

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone for your understanding and support during my family emergency. For those who couldn’t make it to our last online jam, I was stuck at the hospital with a family member and couldn’t make it home to lead the jam. I definitely want to thank Sharon as well for taking hold of the reins while I was otherwise occupied. I hear you did a fabulous job!

Our next jam will be on Sunday, January 23rd at 3 pm Saskatoon time. Our theme for this jam will be Favorite Songs so I hope to see lots of song submissions! Make sure you send me your PDFs by Friday night.

Topic: SUP Favorite Songs Jam
Time: Jan 23, 2022 03:00 PM Saskatchewan
(1 pm PST, 2 pm MST, 3 pm CST, 4 pm EST)

Music package now available: